Story Hour is a casual environment in which to practice influential storytelling.
Today's story prompt: What are some metaphors that illustrate the work you do? Before the event, we encourage you to take 5-10 minutes reflecting on that question and identifying stories that come to mind.
We chose this prompt because stories are incredibly useful in simplifying complex concepts and when a personal or professional experience feels hard to connect to whatever your are trying to communicate about, metaphor can be a great alternative. We work with professionals that are in more science or data oriented spaces and have found that metaphor is particularly helpful when needed to translate to a “lay person.” Consider a common personal experience that has something in common with what you’re trying to share. How can you build out a metaphor into a story that helps you make your point?
If you have a story, we encourage you to volunteer to share it during Story Hour. We also welcome your participation as a listener and as part of our feedback group.
If you have any questions, please reach out to info at