Story Hour is an informal, virtual gathering to practice storytelling and presentation skills. Each Story Hour has a few pre-registered speakers - you can sign up to speak at any event that still has a speaker registration form available. Everyone is welcome to join, listen, and offer feedback to the speakers.
Today’s Prompt - Safe At Last
Safety (and lack of safety) can mean a million things…and that’s why it’s a great metaphor and potential story prompt. Do you have an exciting outdoor adventure story where you were worried about your physical safety that could be a metaphor and help you share a lesson about courage or trying something new? Do you have a story about a leader that risked your psychological safety and how another leader or peer was able to help you navigate that space?
At this Story Hour, we ask our speakers to share their stories of safety (or lack of safety) and what they learned as a result of that experience.
The storytellers for this event are:
Apply to be a speaker! If you’d rather just listen and offer feedback, register to receive invitations and periodic updates.
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