How to Navigate Power Dynamics

Heads and faces connected by network lines over a blue background

Being influential is a challenge for many leaders, but particularly when in a team, organization or even just leading a meeting where you’re not the most experienced or lack formal power. 

If you’re worried about your ability to influence within a group, there’s a lot you can do to understand the power dynamics and increase the likelihood you’ll feel and show up as powerful and influential.

Understand the Power Dynamics at Play

Take the time to understand the power dynamics below the surface. Who are the folks you feel the most vulnerable around? Who are your potential champions or supporters? By taking a more nuanced view of the power landscape, you’ll be able to identify the biggest red flags and opportunities to strengthen your position.

We created a few tools to help you understand your own power and influence.

  • The Influence Diagnostic helps you look inward and evaluate your own influence power across a broad spectrum. You can download the resource here.

  • The Map Your Power tool helps you evaluate how the other people involved may support or hinder your ability to influence. You can download the resource here.

After you’ve used both tools, you’ll have a much better understanding of your true position within the broader organization and how you can hedge your vulnerabilities and lean on your strengths.

Examine the Issue from Others’ Perspectives

Your ability to influence people at a meeting whether you want their support or their input will be greatly enhanced by your ability to see things from their perspective. Another way to look at this is to identify the “So, what?” or the, “What’s in it for me?” It’s very easy to get caught up in your own planning and stressed about the slide deck or the work itself. It’s critical you also consider why someone else should care, especially when you want to influence them. The reasons why they might support your idea, their values, desires and motivations are likely not the same as your own.

This question of how to influence someone comes up so often that we created another tool to help you consider the issue from someone else’s perspective. Make a copy of this google document and use it to reflect before going into your next high stakes meeting.

What helps you navigate power dynamics?