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Influential Storytelling

Before the Workshop


Story Consultation

Still want some help on the pre-work? Set up a 15-min coaching call with Stephanie or Kara to talk through your challenges and make sure you’re set up to maximize your experience in the workshop.

Pre-work FAQs

Is the pre-work causing you trouble or proving to be more challenging than expected? Here are some frequently asked questions that might help you choose a story to workshop.

+ What type of story should I choose?

If you're joining the workshop with your team or to use storytelling to be a more compelling communicator at work, consider choosing a story that will resonate with your stakeholders or related to a theme or topic that comes up a lot for you. Consider crafting a go-to customer success story, user story or leadership or failure story.

That said, the world is your oyster! People taking the workshop have developed impactful stories of all shapes and sizes, on every topic and from all different types of experiences and moments in their lives. The trick to choosing a story is not to overthink it. You don’t have to choose the “perfect” story. You just have to choose any story that you can work on.

+ Can I use a personal story or should it be a professional story?

We’ve found personal and professional stories are relevant across their respective boundaries. For example, a story of a mother and son dealing with a broken garage opener has a lesson about teamwork inside it. A story of professional conflict might surface a discovery about personal identity. A story about getting lost, a childhood crush, adopting a cat (all examples from previous workshops) have themes relevant to the human experience that transcend personal/professional boundaries.

+ What type of story should I tell if it’s for a [INSERT TYPE] audience?

Think about the audience and what you would want to communicate to them. Any story that comes to mind that hints at your message is good to go with! That said, sometimes finding a story when you already have a theme or a message in mind can feel too restrictive or limiting. To ease the brainstorming challenge, release the pressure to find the perfect story for exactly the message you want to communicate. Instead just pick any story that you'd be happy to workshop. In the workshop experience two things will happen: (1) You'll discover that the message you thought your story communicated isn't necessarily the only one, or the most compelling one, and (2) we'll share strategies for how to build a library of stories over time that will making finding the "perfect" story easier.

+ Can my story happen over a long period of time? Or should it be about a very specific moment in time?

We’ll talk about story structure more during the workshop, but for the sake of brainstorming, stories have very few “must have” requirements. What you need is a beginning, middle, and end. A common issue that can arise with stories that happen over long periods of time is that the beginning is hard to pinpoint, or the end hasn’t happened yet. As long as all three components of the story are there, then you will be able to workshop it successfully.

+ I can’t decide between two stories, what do I do?

There’s no right answer here. Just pick one. You can do the other one on your own after the workshop. In fact, we’ll tell you to do many more on your own! Eventually you’ll want to build a library of stories to draw from. Don’t let yourself stress about choosing exactly the right story for the workshop experience. In the workshop you'll learn the process by which you can refine any story, so you'll always be able to leverage the skill in the future.

+ The story I want to do might make me emotional. Should I pick a different story?

In the workshop, participants may share moments in their lives that are wrought with emotion. Those who choose to share these stories later report that the workshop experience itself was extremely cathartic because it allowed them to process and integrate the story more fully into their lives. That being said, be sure you’re comfortable with the fact that you will be sharing your story with others in the room. You will be expected to share your story with at least a few other participants as part of your engagement in the workshop. Showing emotion is not a problem, but if you’re physically uncomfortable, or unable to complete the telling of your story, consider an alternative for the purposes of the learning.

+ The story I have in mind doesn’t feel significant or powerful enough. What should I do?

You’d be surprised what others feel is valuable or interesting about a story that we don’t see in our own stories. Something about the story is compelling to you, otherwise it wouldn’t come to mind. You may just not quite know what that is yet. Don’t worry... that’s part of the purpose of the workshop. Others will listen to your story and give you feedback about what they hear, which will help you find the hidden meaning below the surface.

+ Will I be expected to tell this story publicly in the workshop?

During the workshop, we’ll have you share the story out loud several times. First with a partner, then in a group of three. At the end of the workshop we ask for volunteers to share their story with the entire group, but we won’t have time for everyone to stand up and share.

+ Any last advice?

Choose a story you have interest and energy in refining.
... Or choose a story for which you already have a specific audience or purpose in mind.
... Or choose the first story you can think of.

Throughout the workshop we will take you through a story-refinement process. When the workshop is over, you will have the rest of your life to re-use the process on other stories in the future. We ask that you choose one story for the workshop just so you have something you can practice with. You do not need to find the one "perfect" story to learn what’s there for you to learn.

If you’re still not sure what to do, reach out to Stephanie or Kara (your facilitators) directly. We’re available for 15-minute phone calls and can help you with any element of your prework–from brainstorming to choosing a story.


Influential Storytelling Resources


Story Structure


The Super Powers of an Influential Storyteller


The 5 Ps of Influential Delivery


After the Workshop


Take the Learning Further

Story Hours

If you want to continue to improve your communication skills, register for Story Hours. They’re free, and offered every other Friday around lunch time.

Story Coaching

We will help you develop and practice your story over the phone or via teleconference. Some programs that we deliver to clients include story coaching. If so, you will find instructions on how to take advantage of that in the email communications that follow the workshop experience. If you are interested in purchasing coaching for yourself, use the link to choose a package.


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Experience Great Stories

Here are some examples of great stories that include all four Super Powers, have good story structure, and are well-delivered from an influence perspective.

+ Gui Ruggiero's Story Lab - February 2020

Watch the Video

This story showcases a storyteller sharing a serious subject in an honest way without it feeling emotionally manipulative.

Why it Works

  • Gui Keeps it Real: he's vulnerable and authentic in substance and delivery.

+ Naik Foundation India

Watch the Video

This story illustrates storytelling through film, so it doesn’t perfectly match the oral storytelling medium we feature in our training.

Why it Works

  • It tells a complete story within two minutes.
  • It illustrates the value of engaging emotion and invites curiosity by slowing revealing information over the course of the video.

+ 2016 Moth Grand Slam Philadelphia Winner: Marth Cooney

Watch the Video

Marth effectively uses humor a great deal. Although we don't spend too much time discussing humor in our workshop experience, we think it's important to showcase the skill as another valuable component of storytelling.

Why it Works:

  • It’s an oral story which is the type of story people are developing during the workshop.
  • It’s relatively short.
  • She brings the listener/viewer into the story by sharing vivid details and emotional stakes. We experience the story with her.
  • She uses the 5 Ps of Delivery to enhance the story.

+ My Year of Saying YES to Everything | Shonda Rhimes

Watch the Video

This story is significantly longer than the other stories listed here, and may feel too long for a busines or professional context. That being said, it's an exemplar illustration of Pick One Theme, an important Super Power of Influential Storytelling.

Why it Works:

  • It’s an oral story which is the type of story people are developing during the workshop.
  • Shonda Rhimes is a renowned storyteller, though most often via television programming.
  • She has a clear and strong theme that’s reinforced throughout the story.

+ Jack Ma

Watch the Video

This is an example of storytelling used in business and to illustrate lessons (learn from mistakes) learned to a large group.

Why It Works:

  • Specific details (as opposed to generalities) make the story visual and relatable
  • Sharing failure and challenges adds to the authenticity of the storyteller, building connection between him and his audience.
  • The story carries a clear point, and is intended to sway the hearts and minds of the audience.

+ How Art Saved My Life | Bill Murray

Watch the Video

Stories are often the answer to a question. This story is used in answer to the question “What would your life be like without art and creativity?” Rather than speaking in generalities, Bill Murray chooses to tell a specific story to illustrate his point.

Why it Works

  • The story is incredibly cinematic and visual which helps his audience follow along and makes the story more memorable.

+ Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates

Watch the Video

This illustrates how data and dry information can be made much more compelling with the use of a powerful story.

Why it Works

  • While Bill Gates gets mired down in context and unnecessary details, Steve Jobs creates a set of scenes with personally relevant human struggle. Jobs' story is dramatically more influential than Gates’ answer to the same question.

+ Indra Nooyi

Watch the Video

This illustrates how micro-stories can be built into a longer, extemporaneous conversation without breaking the flow of the conversation or feeling contrived.

Why it Works

  • Indra uses a moment from her experience to illustrate a larger business challenge, making that challenge more understandable for her audience.
  • A single representative micro-story to illustrate a bigger issue is a powerful way to help an audience internalize the challenge.

Know a great story?

Let us know →


Read our Point of View


Insights Articles about Storytelling



Sources and Further Reading


The Influential Storytelling workshop and all its ancillary products and services are informed by the knowledge and research of a whole spectrum of people. Here are a few of the resources that inform our point of view while offering their own.